The field is an organization designed to leverage the arts as a source for social-political consciousness, healing, and community building. This is accomplished through community investment, free programming centered around the arts, and workshops hosted by artists whose practice helps to build operative consciousness, mental health, and creative expression.
Our Leading Program —The Story From Within uses storytelling as a healing and pensive modality to reawaken the parts of one's self that have been made dormant by state violence, namely violence that exists in Education, Incarceration, and the Criminal Legal System at large. The underpinning current of this program is creative expression as a tool for pedagogical engagement. Artists, activists, and advocates are used as entry points into discussions concerning self, material conditions, community, and other sociopolitical topics informing students' current experiences. By interfacing with the arts, students develop/sharpen the competency to use a myriad of artistic mediums as a tool for expression, self-regulation, and healing.